Welcome to the Lesbian-Café…  for a Taste of Lesbian Life! 
by Rhonda Webster, author of lesbian fiction.

  • Lesbian mini trips (mainly around Colorado)
  • Lesbian Dog, Cat & Chicken Stories
  • Home Do-It-Yourself/Fix-It Ideas

Please watch for my new book, titled, Not Hers to Possess by Rhonda Webster.

Why would anyone kidnap Bella, one of the sweetest women in the lesbian community? Who did it and where was she taken? Finding this out becomes the task of both the LGBTQ community and the local police department who reap the benefit of one of their own members voluntarily jumping in ahead of the official missing person’s report. Love scenes include tender lovemaking, shared by a committed lesbian couple, as well as a sizzling lesbian seduction.

Red Rocks Amphitheatre
Rhonda’s Blog

Red Rocks Amphitheatre

During the Great Depression when President Franklin Roosevelt  wanted to help uplift Americans, he formed the Civilian Conservation Corps. These men built Red Rocks Amphitheatre in the foothills of the Rockies in Morrison Colorado. This beautiful outdoor theatre, which seats 9.000 people may be the Corps’ greatest single project. If your forefathers worked in the…